This record lists the sources consulted, along with notes taken, in relation to the following Wellcome Trust funded projects: 'Colonial consumption: alcohol, medicine and society in British India' and 'Imperial measures: beer, medicine and health in colonial India'. 'Colonial consumption' (grant reference: 208333/Z/17/Z) engaged with the role of alcohol in colonial British India c.1800-1947. It analysed the extent to which alcohol was embedded in medical, social and cultural discourses of colonial society, producing a range of conflicted and contradictory practices. 'Imperial measures' (grant reference: 200435/Z/16/Z) engaged with the role of alcohol - specifically ale, beer and porter - in the history of colonial British India c.1800-1950. It analysed the extent to which the medical, social and cultural perception of these drinks were not only linked, but were subject to contradiction and conflict in a colonial context.