This research project followed an inductive, qualitative, research methodology. Thirty two (32) respondents were recruited to discuss their general shopping and food waste behaviours. Respondents were recruited on the basis of being over 18 years of age and a regular shopper who was responsible for their household's food shopping and consumption and demonstrated knowledge of issues concerning food waste at the household level. A snowball sampling approach was implemented, which, whilst a non-probability sampling method, afforded more accessible and relevant respondents. Semi-structured interviews were administered face-to-face, mostly in respondent's homes. A trained researcher conducted the interviews. The majority of respondents were female (87.5%) and all were 18 years and older. All respondents resided within the Dorset/Hampshire area of the UK. Bournemouth University and Market Research Society (MRS) ethical guidelines were adhered to in throughout the research process and all interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim with participant permission.