According to the guidelines of Bournemouth University, the researcher has completed the Research Ethics E-module, and the Research Ethics Online Checklist is approved before the interviews are conducted. This research will be based on the “golden rule”, which gets involved research with humans that researchers should treat others as you would want others to treat you (Veal 2017). Put specifically, considering the vulnerability of participants since they are asked questions about disasters, all the participants are informed consent and have no risk of harm in this research, which means they have their freedom of choice and reserve the right to take part in, reject or withdraw this research. Moreover, the participant information sheet will be provided for potential participants to give them sufficient information to make an informed decision. The nature and aims of this research will be clearly and honestly explained to the participants. Simultaneously, the researcher will clearly describe the benefits for participants and demonstrate the importance of the research. More importantly, all the participants are assured that their identity will be anonymous and data gathered will be maintained privately and backup confidentially in the device of the researcher and also stored anonymously so that no other people have access to them.