The topic of this research is whether the European Union (EU) legal and regulatory framework is fit for purpose in relation to the take-up of telematics insurance. As an example of use-based insurance, telematics insurance is made possible by continuing advancements in data analytics and sensor technologies as well as the shift in the automotive industry towards the development of a business ecosystem around the connected car and value proposition that user-generated car data brings. The research has been enriched with and guided by the insights from experts and practitioners to identify the key issues and potential solutions concerning the fitness of regulation to help improve the adoption of telematics insurance in Europe. The main motivation for conducting interviews was to obtain a working knowledge of telematics insurance and the automotive and insurance industry and the connected car and consumer motor car insurance markets as a whole.57 The interviews further provided the opportunity to obtain in-depth knowledge about the interviewees’ respective industries for consideration, especially when it comes to balancing the different interests and market characteristics of the automotive and insurance industry respectively.