GET,,,, FILE='/Users/julie/OneDrive - Bournemouth University/Publications/Papers/PeSSKi/Davis and Turner-Cobb PeSSKi Dataset for BORDaR repository.sav'.,,,, DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT.,,,, CODEBOOK PARTID [s] SEX [n] group5age [o] ONSmain [o] ONSsecond [o] mainONSscore [o] clearRS1 [s],,,, panickyPES2 [s] relaxRS3 [s] helplessPES4 [s] newthingsRS5 [s] worryPES6 [s] sleepRS7 [s] upsetPES8,,,, [s] calmPES9 [s] talkRS10 [s] copeRS11 [s] WORRY1 [s] WORRY2 [s] WORRY3 [s] WORRY4 [s] WORRY5 [s],,,, WORRY6 [s] WORRY7 [s] WORRY8 [s] WORRY9 [s] WORRY10 [s] WORRY11 [s] SLSS1 [s] SLSS2 [s] SLSS3 [s],,,, SLSS4 [s] SLSS5 [s] SLSS6 [s] SLSS7 [s] SLSS8RS [s] SLSS9 [s] SLSS10RS [s] TOTALSD [s] PeSSKimean,,,, [s] PSWmean [s] sdmean [s] SLSSmean [s] TOTPeSSKi11 [s] TOTALPSW [s] TOTALSLSS [s] truthSD [s],,,, likeSD [s] clearP [s] relaxP [s] newthingsP [s] sleepP [s] talkP [s] copeP [s] SLSS8 [s] SLSS10 [s],,,, TOTPESK10 [s] MEANPESK10 [s],,,, /VARINFO POSITION LABEL TYPE FORMAT MEASURE ROLE VALUELABELS MISSING ATTRIBUTES,,,, /OPTIONS VARORDER=VARLIST SORT=ASCENDING MAXCATS=200,,,, /STATISTICS COUNT PERCENT MEAN STDDEV QUARTILES.,,,, ,,,, ,,,, Codebook,,,, ,,,, Notes,,,, Output Created,,15-MAR-2022 09:14:08,, Comments,,,, Input,Data,/Users/julie/OneDrive - Bournemouth University/Publications/Papers/PeSSKi/Davis and Turner-Cobb PeSSKi Dataset for BORDaR repository.sav,, ,Active Dataset,DataSet1,, ,Filter,,, ,Weight,,, ,Split File,,, ,N of Rows in Working Data File,123,, Syntax,,"CODEBOOK PARTID [s] SEX [n] group5age [o] ONSmain [o] ONSsecond [o] mainONSscore [o] clearRS1 [s] panickyPES2 [s] relaxRS3 [s] helplessPES4 [s] newthingsRS5 [s] worryPES6 [s] sleepRS7 [s] upsetPES8 [s] calmPES9 [s] talkRS10 [s] copeRS11 [s] WORRY1 [s] WORRY2 [s] WORRY3 [s] WORRY4 [s] WORRY5 [s] WORRY6 [s] WORRY7 [s] WORRY8 [s] WORRY9 [s] WORRY10 [s] WORRY11 [s] SLSS1 [s] SLSS2 [s] SLSS3 [s] SLSS4 [s] SLSS5 [s] SLSS6 [s] SLSS7 [s] SLSS8RS [s] SLSS9 [s] SLSS10RS [s] TOTALSD [s] PeSSKimean [s] PSWmean [s] sdmean [s] SLSSmean [s] TOTPeSSKi11 [s] TOTALPSW [s] TOTALSLSS [s] truthSD [s] likeSD [s] clearP [s] relaxP [s] newthingsP [s] sleepP [s] talkP [s] copeP [s] SLSS8 [s] SLSS10 [s] TOTPESK10 [s] MEANPESK10 [s] /VARINFO POSITION LABEL TYPE FORMAT MEASURE ROLE VALUELABELS MISSING ATTRIBUTES /OPTIONS VARORDER=VARLIST SORT=ASCENDING MAXCATS=200 /STATISTICS COUNT PERCENT MEAN STDDEV QUARTILES.",, Resources,Processor Time,00:00:00.04,, ,Elapsed Time,00:00:00.00,, ,,,, ,,,, [DataSet1] /Users/julie/OneDrive - Bournemouth University/Publications/Papers/PeSSKi/Davis and Turner-Cobb PeSSKi Dataset for BORDaR repository.sav,,,, ,,,, PARTID,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,1,, ,Label,Assigned Participant idenification,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,5849.80,, ,Standard Deviation,7545.117,, ,Percentile 25,2131.00,, ,Percentile 50,2162.00,, ,Percentile 75,2193.00,, ,,,, SEX,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,2,, ,Label,Child Gender,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Nominal,, ,Role,Input,, Valid Values,0,male,67,54.5% ,1,female,55,44.7% ,2,non-binary,1,0.8% ,4,Prefer not to say,0,0.0% ,,,, group5age,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,3,, ,Label,Total age in 5 groups,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F5,, ,Measurement,Ordinal,, ,Role,Input,, Valid Values,1,<= 99.00 months,26,21.1% ,2,100.00 - 109.00 months,25,20.3% ,3,110.00 - 124.00 months,25,20.3% ,4,125.00 - 131.00 months,25,20.3% ,5,132.00+ months,22,17.9% ,,,, ONSmain,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,4,, ,Label,ONS occupation score (1),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Ordinal,, ,Role,Input,, Valid Values,0,,8,6.5% ,1,,6,4.9% ,2,,32,26.0% ,3,,12,9.8% ,4,,17,13.8% ,5,,3,2.4% ,6,,14,11.4% ,7,,10,8.1% ,8,,4,3.3% ,9,,17,13.8% ,,,, ONSsecond,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,5,, ,Label,ONS occupation score (2),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Ordinal,, ,Role,Input,, Valid Values,0,,24,19.5% ,1,,7,5.7% ,2,,31,25.2% ,3,,14,11.4% ,4,,9,7.3% ,5,,13,10.6% ,6,,6,4.9% ,7,,6,4.9% ,8,,9,7.3% ,9,,4,3.3% ,,,, mainONSscore,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,6,, ,Label,ONS occupation score (highest in household),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Ordinal,, ,Role,Input,, Valid Values,0,,4,3.3% ,1,,13,10.6% ,2,,47,38.2% ,3,,17,13.8% ,4,,12,9.8% ,5,,11,8.9% ,6,,5,4.1% ,7,,7,5.7% ,8,,2,1.6% ,9,,5,4.1% ,,,, clearRS1,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,7,, ,Label,1) I can think clearly (Reverse Scored) (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,1.97,, ,Standard Deviation,1.016,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,50,40.7% ,5,Not at all,3,2.4% ,,,, panickyPES2,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,8,, ,Label,2) I feel panicky or afraid about little things (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.62,, ,Standard Deviation,1.440,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,34,27.6% ,5,A lot,18,14.6% ,,,, relaxRS3,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,9,, ,Label,3) I feel calm and relaxed (Reverse Scored) (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.41,, ,Standard Deviation,1.280,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,37,30.1% ,5,Not at all,10,8.1% ,,,, helplessPES4,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,10,, ,Label,4) I feel helpless when I have a problem. (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.33,, ,Standard Deviation,1.388,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,46,37.4% ,5,A lot,15,12.2% ,,,, newthingsRS5,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,11,, ,Label,"5) I feel fine with new things, new people, or new places (Reverse Scored) (PeSSKi)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.55,, ,Standard Deviation,1.386,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,36,29.3% ,5,Not at all,16,13.0% ,,,, worryPES6,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,12,, ,Label,6) I worry when something unexpected happens (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.07,, ,Standard Deviation,1.279,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,19,15.4% ,5,A lot,20,16.3% ,,,, sleepRS7,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,13,, ,Label,7) I sleep well (Reverse Scored) (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.31,, ,Standard Deviation,1.415,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,51,41.5% ,5,Not at all,16,13.0% ,,,, upsetPES8,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,14,, ,Label,8) I get upset or angry easily (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.20,, ,Standard Deviation,1.361,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,17,13.8% ,5,A lot,31,25.2% ,,,, calmPES9,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,15,, ,Label,9) It is hard to calm down when my feelings are too big or too strong (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.20,, ,Standard Deviation,1.359,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,19,15.4% ,5,A lot,25,20.3% ,,,, talkRS10,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,16,, ,Label,10) There is always someone to talk to about what is bothering me (PeSSKi) (Reverse Scored),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,1.59,, ,Standard Deviation,0.922,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,1.00,, ,Percentile 75,2.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,78,63.4% ,5,Not at all,1,0.8% ,,,, copeRS11,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,17,, ,Label,"11) Whatever happens, I can cope with it (PeSSKi) (Reverse scored)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.69,, ,Standard Deviation,1.181,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,22,17.9% ,5,Not at all,10,8.1% ,,,, WORRY1,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,18,, ,Label,1) My worries really bother me (PSWQ-C),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.69,, ,Standard Deviation,1.300,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,28,22.8% ,5,A lot,15,12.2% ,,,, WORRY2,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,19,, ,Label,2) Many things make me worry (PSWQ-C),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.33,, ,Standard Deviation,1.315,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,43,35.0% ,5,A lot,12,9.8% ,,,, WORRY3,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,20,, ,Label,"3) I know I shouldn’t worry about things, but I just can’t help it (PSWQ-C)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.74,, ,Standard Deviation,1.407,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,28,22.8% ,5,A lot,22,17.9% ,,,, WORRY4,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,21,, ,Label,"4) When I am under pressure, I worry a lot (PSWQ-C)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.08,, ,Standard Deviation,1.429,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,21,17.1% ,5,A lot,28,22.8% ,,,, WORRY5,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,22,, ,Label,5) I am always worrying about something (PSWQ-C),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.12,, ,Standard Deviation,1.265,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,49,39.8% ,5,A lot,10,8.1% ,,,, WORRY6,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,23,, ,Label,"6) When I finish one thing, I start to worry about something else (PSWQ-C)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,1.99,, ,Standard Deviation,1.231,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,59,48.0% ,5,A lot,9,7.3% ,,,, WORRY7,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,24,, ,Label,7) I’ve been a worrier all my life (PSWQ-C),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,1.98,, ,Standard Deviation,1.340,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,1.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,68,55.3% ,5,A lot,10,8.1% ,,,, WORRY8,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,25,, ,Label,8) I notice that I have been worrying about things (PSWQ-C),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.50,, ,Standard Deviation,1.375,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,39,31.7% ,5,A lot,18,14.6% ,,,, WORRY9,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,26,, ,Label,"9) Once I start worrying, I can’t stop (PSWQ-C)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.39,, ,Standard Deviation,1.424,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,2.00,, ,Percentile 75,3.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,44,35.8% ,5,A lot,17,13.8% ,,,, WORRY10,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,27,, ,Label,10) I worry all the time (PSWQ-C),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,1.87,, ,Standard Deviation,1.228,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,1.00,, ,Percentile 75,2.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,68,55.3% ,5,A lot,6,4.9% ,,,, WORRY11,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,28,, ,Label,11) I worry about things until they are done (PSWQ-C),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.75,, ,Standard Deviation,1.394,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,32,26.0% ,5,A lot,18,14.6% ,,,, SLSS1,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,29,, ,Label,1) I have a good life (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.55,, ,Standard Deviation,0.770,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,1,0.8% ,5,A lot,83,67.5% ,,,, SLSS2,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,30,, ,Label,2) I have what I want in life (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.20,, ,Standard Deviation,0.789,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,0,0.0% ,5,A lot,50,40.7% ,,,, SLSS3,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,31,, ,Label,3) I am happy with my life (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,122,, ,Missing,1,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.61,, ,Standard Deviation,0.711,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,0,0.0% ,5,A lot,87,70.7% ,,,, SLSS4,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,32,, ,Label,4) My life is going well (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.48,, ,Standard Deviation,0.793,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,1,0.8% ,5,A lot,77,62.6% ,,,, SLSS5,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,33,, ,Label,5) I like the way things are going for me (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,122,, ,Missing,1,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.22,, ,Standard Deviation,0.975,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,3,2.4% ,5,A lot,62,50.4% ,,,, SLSS6,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,34,, ,Label,6) I feel good about what’s happening to me (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,122,, ,Missing,1,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.07,, ,Standard Deviation,1.026,, ,Percentile 25,3.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,4,3.3% ,5,A lot,52,42.3% ,,,, SLSS7,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,35,, ,Label,7) My life is just right (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,122,, ,Missing,1,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.24,, ,Standard Deviation,1.076,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,5,4.1% ,5,A lot,66,53.7% ,,,, SLSS8RS,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,36,, ,Label,8) I wish I had a different kind of life (Reverse Scored) (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,122,, ,Missing,1,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.44,, ,Standard Deviation,1.029,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,4,3.3% ,5,Not at all,86,69.9% ,,,, SLSS9,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,37,, ,Label,9) My life is better than most kids’ (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,121,, ,Missing,2,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.70,, ,Standard Deviation,1.130,, ,Percentile 25,3.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,8,6.5% ,5,A lot,35,28.5% ,,,, SLSS10RS,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,38,, ,Label,10) I would like to change many things in my life (Reverse Scored) (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,120,, ,Missing,3,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.17,, ,Standard Deviation,1.087,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,A lot,4,3.3% ,5,Not at all,63,51.2% ,,,, TOTALSD,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,39,, ,Label,Total score Social Desirability,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,6.8211,, ,Standard Deviation,1.86439,, ,Percentile 25,6.0000,, ,Percentile 50,7.0000,, ,Percentile 75,8.0000,, ,,,, PeSSKimean,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,40,, ,Label,Mean score of PeSSKi,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.5395,, ,Standard Deviation,0.69913,, ,Percentile 25,2.0000,, ,Percentile 50,2.5455,, ,Percentile 75,3.0000,, ,,,, PSWmean,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,41,, ,Label,Mean score of PSWQ-C,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.4028,, ,Standard Deviation,1.05197,, ,Percentile 25,1.5455,, ,Percentile 50,2.1818,, ,Percentile 75,3.1818,, ,,,, sdmean,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,42,, ,Label,Mean score of Social Desirability questions,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.4106,, ,Standard Deviation,0.93219,, ,Percentile 25,3.0000,, ,Percentile 50,3.5000,, ,Percentile 75,4.0000,, ,,,, SLSSmean,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,43,, ,Label,Mean score of SLSS,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,120,, ,Missing,3,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.2743,, ,Standard Deviation,0.66005,, ,Percentile 25,3.9000,, ,Percentile 50,4.5000,, ,Percentile 75,4.8000,, ,,,, TOTPeSSKi11,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,44,, ,Label,Total score PeSSKi 11 items,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,27.9350,, ,Standard Deviation,7.69047,, ,Percentile 25,22.0000,, ,Percentile 50,28.0000,, ,Percentile 75,33.0000,, ,,,, TOTALPSW,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,45,, ,Label,Total score PSWQ-C,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,26.4309,, ,Standard Deviation,11.57165,, ,Percentile 25,17.0000,, ,Percentile 50,24.0000,, ,Percentile 75,35.0000,, ,,,, TOTALSLSS,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,46,, ,Label,Total score SLSS,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,120,, ,Missing,3,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,42.7167,, ,Standard Deviation,6.65246,, ,Percentile 25,39.0000,, ,Percentile 50,45.0000,, ,Percentile 75,48.0000,, ,,,, truthSD,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,47,, ,Label,I always tell the truth (Social Desirability question 1),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.61,, ,Standard Deviation,1.053,, ,Percentile 25,3.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,5,4.1% ,5,A lot,28,22.8% ,,,, likeSD,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,48,, ,Label,I like everyone I have met.(Social Desirability question 2),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.21,, ,Standard Deviation,1.288,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,18,14.6% ,5,A lot,22,17.9% ,,,, clearP,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,49,, ,Label,1) I can think clearly. (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.03,, ,Standard Deviation,1.016,, ,Percentile 25,3.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,3,2.4% ,5,A lot,50,40.7% ,,,, relaxP,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,50,, ,Label,3) I feel calm and relaxed.(PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.59,, ,Standard Deviation,1.280,, ,Percentile 25,3.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,10,8.1% ,5,A lot,37,30.1% ,,,, newthingsP,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,51,, ,Label,"5) I feel fine with new things, new people, or new places. (PeSSKi)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.45,, ,Standard Deviation,1.386,, ,Percentile 25,2.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,16,13.0% ,5,A lot,36,29.3% ,,,, sleepP,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,52,, ,Label,7) I sleep well.(PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.69,, ,Standard Deviation,1.415,, ,Percentile 25,3.00,, ,Percentile 50,4.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,16,13.0% ,5,A lot,51,41.5% ,,,, talkP,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,53,, ,Label,10) There is always someone to talk to about what is bothering me. (PeSSKi),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,4.41,, ,Standard Deviation,0.922,, ,Percentile 25,4.00,, ,Percentile 50,5.00,, ,Percentile 75,5.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,1,0.8% ,5,A lot,78,63.4% ,,,, copeP,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,54,, ,Label,"11) Whatever happens, I can cope with it.(PeSSKi)",, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,3.31,, ,Standard Deviation,1.181,, ,Percentile 25,3.00,, ,Percentile 50,3.00,, ,Percentile 75,4.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,10,8.1% ,5,A lot,22,17.9% ,,,, SLSS8,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,55,, ,Label,8) I wish I had a different kind of life. (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,122,, ,Missing,1,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,1.56,, ,Standard Deviation,1.029,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,1.00,, ,Percentile 75,2.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,86,69.9% ,,,, SLSS10,,,, ,,Value,Count,Percent Standard Attributes,Position,56,, ,Label,10) I would like to change many things in my life. (SLSS),, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F40,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,120,, ,Missing,3,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,1.83,, ,Standard Deviation,1.087,, ,Percentile 25,1.00,, ,Percentile 50,1.00,, ,Percentile 75,2.00,, Labeled Values,1,Not at all,63,51.2% ,5,A lot,4,3.3% ,,,, TOTPESK10,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,57,, ,Label,Total PeSSKi score 10 item with number 10 removed,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,26.3415,, ,Standard Deviation,7.56592,, ,Percentile 25,20.0000,, ,Percentile 50,25.0000,, ,Percentile 75,32.0000,, ,,,, MEANPESK10,,,, ,,Value,, Standard Attributes,Position,58,, ,Label,Mean PeSSKi score 10 item with number 10 removed,, ,Type,Numeric,, ,Format,F8.2,, ,Measurement,Scale,, ,Role,Input,, N,Valid,123,, ,Missing,0,, Central Tendency and Dispersion,Mean,2.6341,, ,Standard Deviation,0.75659,, ,Percentile 25,2.0000,, ,Percentile 50,2.5000,, ,Percentile 75,3.2000,,