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Colonial consumption and Imperial Measures

Goodman, Sam (2019) Colonial consumption and Imperial Measures.
This record lists the sources consulted, along with notes taken, in relation to the following Wellcome Trust funded projects: 'Colonial consumption: alcohol, medicine and society in British India' and 'Imperial measures: beer, medicine and health in colonial India'. 'Colonial consumption' (grant reference: 208333/Z/17/Z) engaged with the role of alcohol in colonial British India c.1800-1947. It analysed the extent to which alcohol was embedded in medical, social and cultural discourses of colonial society, producing a range of conflicted and contradictory practices. 'Imperial measures' (grant reference: 200435/Z/16/Z) engaged with the role of alcohol - specifically ale, beer and porter - in the history of colonial British India c.1800-1950. It analysed the extent to which the medical, social and cultural perception of these drinks were not only linked, but were subject to contradiction and conflict in a colonial context.
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